Personal Narrative Essay

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  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Tree Of A Tree

    752 Words  | 4 Pages

    There was a tree that I always went to. It was away from everything, past a little cemetery in the forest. It gave me time to think, to reflect, and to get away from all of my problems. The only issue, is that my mom had rules. I had to tell her when I was going and it had to be light out. She says she worries too much as it is. Her rules weren't always ideal, but I followed them nonetheless. It was a gloomy Saturday when I had gotten into a fight with my mom. One of those arguments that doesn’t

  • Personal Narrative Essay: A Journey To The Bridge

    1014 Words  | 5 Pages

    Taking my first step onto the bridge I could feel the moisture, the water in the air that sprinkled onto my face from the water below. Taking a step or two more I began to fill with joy. Getting more excited I run to the middle of the bridge to the railing bouncing in happyness of what I was seeing. The water going full steam ahead running right off the cliff to the ground below making a roaring train steam engine noise. Once Krista and Brian finally pried me off the bridge we moved forward following

  • Personal Narrative Essay: An Unexpected Friend

    950 Words  | 4 Pages

    An Unexpected Friend A few years ago, Andi was given an opportunity to continue her commitment of trying to help others wherever she went. A girl she knew from high school named Krispy was in a predicament. Andi felt privileged to be able to provide the assistance she needed. Andi had always been a person to “pay it forward”; her decision to do that not only affected a person she helped, but also herself later down the road. Krispy had to work out of town for the weekend and was unable to bring

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Kern's Home

    698 Words  | 3 Pages

    My family and I were invited to our friend’s house for a get together. Our main group of camping friends was also there to hang out. It is mid to late afternoon and we are in an enclosed porch of the Kern’s house. There are picnic tables in it and different toys and activities that the Kern’s have stored there. The porch has three doors that we can go through, one is to go to the back yard, another is to go to the front, and the third one is to go into their house. The floor is a thick layer of cement

  • Personal Narrative Essay: A Short Story

    631 Words  | 3 Pages

    The soft, red velvet cushion of the seats in Orvis Auditorium met my body as I sank into the comfortable chair. My body did not move an inch as I waited for the judges to call my contestant number. Oh my gosh. I hope I don't embarrass myself on the stage. I hope I don't forget the notes. I hope I don't mess up. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. The thoughts of negativity raced through my head. I felt as if my heart would leap out of my mouth. A man with an expensive looking coat, slacks, and sparkling

  • How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay

    893 Words  | 4 Pages

    I come from a housewife mother and a businessman father. I am the first among my parents, grandparents and siblings to earn a bachelor's degree and attend graduate school. Even though my parents are not educated, they tried to teach me and my sister the value of education. They were trying to find the resources and motivation to make education a priority in our life. Being born in Iran and moving to the United States of America at the age of 26, my goal always has been and will always be to educate

  • Personal Narrative Essay On Running The Course

    537 Words  | 3 Pages

    We had to leave our house for the high school around 8:45 to get in there before 9 which is when the bus leaves for Clarkston. When the bus got to Clarkston the first thing that we did is got all our stuff off the bus and put it on tarps under a tree. Then when the coaches had finished their meeting. Then we went and walked around the course. As we went people who had run the course before or one of the couches gave advice on what to do when running the course. It was a good cross country course

  • Personal Narrative Essay On Ice Skating

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ice skating is a beautiful sport to watch, but how hard is it to actually do? I decided to try it with one of my friends, who had also never been ice skating before. After an hour of skating I realized learning to ice skate is not necessarily hard but it is not exactly easy either. I went to the Cary Ice House and found out that I would rather skate on a pond in my backyard than skate there again. The service there was not that great and neither were the prices, and although there was not many people

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Board Collide

    546 Words  | 3 Pages

    It was the winter of 2014 in northern Ohio. I was in a ski resort called Boston Mills with my friends James Joe and Garrett. We were on the lift going to the park, and we all decided that we're going to learn a new trick so that I was going to do backside boardslide. After that we went downhill. Started with some 50-50's on the handrail to warm up the then with some backside or slide since they were somewhat different. Back at the top of the trail I had decided to try it on a rail. I approached properly

  • Personal Narrative Essay: A Trip To India '

    869 Words  | 4 Pages

    I had heard the old cliché about how when you first arrive in India, it’s like stepping into an oven. But this hadn’t prepared me for the fact that when you first arrive in India it is like stepping into an oven. Delhi Airport was incredible. That number of people simply couldn’t fit v into such a small place and not end up eating each other. All of a sudden someone brushed past me, almost knocking me over. “Hey”, I said frustrated. I couldn’t see who it was but at least I heard a sorry. I continued