Positive Coping Behavior

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Positive Coping Behaviour among Adolescents John Xavier. A* Dr. Arockia Raj. K** Abstract The constant changes in the social life demands positive coping behaviour among the adolescents that would facilitate experiences of efficiency in dealing with the developmental challenges. Poor coping would lead to lack of adaptability in dealing with issues, deriving solutions and acquiring knowledge and making efforts to rectify the issues. This study was carried out in Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, Vlr Dist using Descriptive design among the first year UG students that described the level of coping behaviour prevail among the adolescents and how the coping behaviour differs by gender, birth order, father’s occupation, residence, types of school…show more content…
Poor coping would lead to lack of adaptability in dealing with issues, deriving solutions and acquiring knowledge and making efforts to rectify the issues. This paper aims at describing the coping orientation of problem experiences among the late adolescents (first year of college students). The application of scientific techniques and statistical package contributed for the fruitful findings on the level of coping orientation of adolescents. This paper infers whether the coping behavior differ by the gender, birth order, occupation of parents, residence and socio-economic status of the…show more content…
Adolescence is the period of transition from adolescence to adult person compromising the new societal and cultural opportunities and demands. There are different types of stressors such as peers, parents, school, critical life situations and romantic relations (Seiffge-Krenke & Klessinger, 2000) and coping with the stressors are altered by individual differences in physical and social environments, variability in personality and experience with the stressor. Coping behaviour is an important construct in response of adolescents to the extensive stressors and adjustments they experience. Coping has been defined differently by many experts in psychology; as an expending conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress or conflict (Weiten & Lloyd, 2008), as cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage psychological or physiological stress (Lazarus, 1993), or as a cognitive, emotional and behavioral response to stress (Beutler, Moos, & Lane, 2003). Acquiring effective and positive coping behaviour is imperative to handle the stressors during the transition from childhood till adolescence. Coping may become more sophisticated as adolescents experience more opportunities for social learning and modelling (Eisenberg et al. 2004). Compas et

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