Agnew's General Strain Theory

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Agnew’s general strain theory can be perceive to be one of the consistent theory that can be examine to explain strain/deviance relationship. For my example of street youth and crime, it can be integrated with social learning theory quite nicely because Agnew provides an abundant of information that involves the underlying mechanism that connects with strain, emotions and delinquent behavior in young individuals. In Agnew’s theory he argues that the cause of strain among youth is the idea of blocking of the achievement of which these young individual have valued, meaning the goals they have set for themselves. Without the feeling of satisfaction of achieving their goals often this would lead to emotional strain, where they begin to feel useless…show more content…
The first strain explains the failure of achieving positively valued goals. The gap between the aspiration of the individual and their expectation of attaining opportunities fails due to the inadequacies of the individual. Furthermore there is a gap between the expectation of the individual and what they achieve that leads to disappointment and resentment. The second type is removal of positive stimuli. This includes all the stressful event that has occurred in the juvenile’s life, for example losing a love one, a friend or simply changing school. Finally, confrontation with negative stimuli, with the loss of positive stimuli in their life, the juvenile begins to get themselves involve in negative activities with other individual. This can include the juvenile’s experience of using illegal drugs, illegal activities just cope with the strain they are experiencing. Due to the results of these three types of strain, the juvenile will not able to resist because they do not have the legitimate means to stay away from…show more content…
According to Agnew, “…Juveniles who are having trouble with school-work, for example, might devote more time to their homework; seek help from teachers...individuals who experience strain typically cope using legal strategies. Given this fact, is critical for strain theories to explain why some individuals choose crime as a means of coping” (Agnew, pg.4). One of these coping mechanism that Agnew included was associate with criminal others, where the juvenile is introduced to criminal activity such as drugs, illegal crime etc. Other coping mechanism, involves a strong belief of favorable to criminal coping, where the juveniles believes that crime can be used as an excusable, justifiable and sometimes desirable. Individuals may cope with strain in varies ways, some may cope using cognitive strategies, in most cases to redefine strainful events and minimized adversity, in some cases strainful events and conditions are mostly likely the reason juveniles choose to commit crime as coping mechanism, because they view the strain as unjust, have high magnitude, or juveniles are associated with low social control, create pressure and motivation for criminal coping. Through these coping mechanism,

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