Advantages And Disadvantages Of Right To Information

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Right to Information Public information officers who failed to provide information during Section 20 of the Act penalized the information. Hence, these authorities act as a psychiatrist, allowing them to work properly without any bias. Although the Right to Information Act is an effective tool for the people, it has some loopholes that can be dangerous for the smooth performance of democratic machinery. The biggest disadvantage of the abuse of public information for their cryptic intent or vengeance. As per Section 6 (2) of this Act, the applicant does not need to give any reason why special information is needed and he does not need to give any personal details. It is impossible to check the background and credentials of each person filing an application under this Act for information. V.V. Minerals V. Mining Geology and Others Section 3 the Madras High Court communicator can obtain information for any purpose and can be used in any kind of information. Except under the exception of the…show more content…
Section 8 of the RTI Act excludes matters relating to national security, sovereignty, foreign government and law enforcement. Security information is available to all foreign countries through newspapers, but excluded from this law and our own citizens can not obtain such information. Such exceptions must be reduced for proper performance of this Act. Section 4 (2) of the Right to Information Act public information publicly discloses publicly and openly publicly publicly publicly the private privacy of public privacy. According to the Act 23, the lower courts are prohibited from entertaining suits or applications from the order made under this Act. To control the RTI's probability, people should be aware of this law. None of this has been completed by the State Government under section 26 (1) (a) (b) & (c) required to provide awareness to the public. Maintaining PIO's training workshops will help in the best implementation of the

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