Essay On Feudalism

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Marx and Engels mainly focussed on development of a new form of economy, capitalism, which was seen significantly in Europe. Some interesting and significant developments were evident in this period. The era of the capitalism saw very strong but simple antagonisms between the two economic classes – Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. The Bourgeoisie played a major revolutionising role by managing to change or overthrow all the social structures and institutions which prevailed during feudalism which was before their emergence. Feudalism: It was prevalent mainly in Europe in the Medieval Ages, especially in Medieval France, England and then southern Italy. It comes from the word “feud” which means “a piece of land”. During that time, there was a class…show more content…
In this process, some serfs worked as unskilled labour or guilds -- painters, potters, shopkeepers and merchants in the towns. These were the burgesses or middle class which emerged from the serfs. Along with the serfs in action on the lands, industries developed in towns which were managed by some serfs and the guilds. However, these industries could not meet the huge increase in demand in the new markets. So, manufacturing units came into action which were managed by the burgesses. Steam and machinery replaced the older manufacturing units which were ultimately replaced by the “Modern Industry”, due to the increasing demand. Thus modern industry took the place of manufacturing units, and the Bourgeoisie emerged from these burgesses or middle class in big towns which sprang initially from the serfs. The industry extended with development of commerce, communication, navigation, etc. This ultimately led to the emergence of a World Market and globalized industrialization. Thus a need of having a class of workers to work into industries led to the formation of the
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