A Character Analysis Of Zits In Song Of Solomon

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Zits is a teenager that’s gone through a lot in 15 years. He’s been beat up, bruised, abused and confused about his life. He has low self-esteem and a poor attitude. He goes on a spiritual journey in which he becomes different people in different scenarios and different time periods. My study will show how Zit’s thinking and attitude has changed and developed into a person who is more mentally stable and not volatile. I wasn’t really impressed by Zits at all when I first met him. I pitied him for his horrible and sad life. He comes off as a very negative and demeaning character that seems to have given up on hope and nothing to look forward to in life. He’s 15 year old mixed Indian-American. His father left him at birth and his mother died of cancer at the age of six. Ever since he’s been jumping from foster home to foster home. He’s a tall…show more content…
Based on Solomon’s paper, Zits doesn’t necessarily fit into the common ego states because he’s been through so many different foster parents that he wasn’t able to develop a single one. Instead he’s developed more into a rebellious child. “Sometimes when we are faced with parental messages that are restricting, instead of complying with them, we rebel against them” (Solomon, 2003, p. 16). Also based on Solomon’s research we know that Zits is in a crossed transaction. Zits wouldn’t reply in the correct manner or even to the question at all. And the reason for the this is related to ego states. “Transactions are about how people interact with each other, specifically, which ego state in me is talking to which ego state in you” (Solomon, 2003, p. 17). Zits is constantly swearing and is rude to his foster parents which doesn’t always end well for him. “Good morning, the foster father says, Fuck you, I say” (Alexie, p. 28). Zits behavior and reaction is mainly due to the strokes he

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