Critical Elements Of Teacher Training: Training And Development

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1.1. Background of the study Teacher is the most crucial factor in implementing all education policies and reforms at the grassroots level. The quality of education depends on the ability, hard work and dedication of the teacher. If a teacher fails to keep himself in touch with the rapid scientific and educational developments then he would become inefficient and ineffective. It is a fact that the academic qualifications, knowledge of the subject matter, competence and skills of teaching and the commitment of the teacher have effective impact on the teaching learning process. Through various training programmes, it is expected to maximize the effect of above variables of teachers towards the teaching learning process. Training and development…show more content…
There are many critical elements in teacher training that should be given due attention. Hoffman and Pearson (2004) have summarized from Cruickshank and Metcalf (1990), the findings from the literature on training in terms of the following critical elements of teacher training: Trained teachers should • Establish clear performance goals and communicate them to learners. They should determine learners' present skill level, and ensure that learners are aware of the requisite skill level of mastery • Introduce only a few basic rules during early learning stages. • Build upon learners' present skill level during early learning stages. Ensure a basic understanding of the skill to be learned, and when and why it is used. • Provide sufficient, spaced skill practice after understanding has been developed and that practice of the skill is followed by knowledge of the results. • Provide frequent knowledge of the results in the learning process and after incorrect performance. • Provide for transfer of training and provide full support and reinforcement for the use of skills in natural…show more content…
The usage of technology renovates the pedagogy and can lead to a better-quality and interactive learning experience. The effects of using technology are not restricted to the classroom. The alteration of distance education into e-learning and blended learning offers new possibilities for delivery and novel opportunities for in-service teacher training programmes. ICT can build borderless networks providing ample possibilities for ground-breaking peer learning across continents and countries. The use of ICT redefines access to knowledge as well as instructional design and provision. The permeation of ICT in all scopes of economic, social and cultural activities has far-reaching implications in terms of the skills required to become an active member of society. The competency of students to employ ICT in day to day activities has become a new requirement for effective education systems. ICT can also represent a new source of economic growth and a powerful tool for social change. Hence, through their economic and social effects, ICT contribute to producing a knowledge society and economy. On the other hand, “…under SDG 9, the world set an ambitious target to significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020…” (World Bank, 2017). When considering ICT teacher trainings,

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