South African National Development Plan Analysis

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The South African National Development plan offers a long-term perspective to the reduction of poverty and inequality in the country. The NDP defines the desired destination and recognises the role played by the different sectors in reaching the proposed goals, this is according to the then Minister of Presidency: National Planning Commission, Trevor Manuel. The main aim of the South African Development Plan is to reduce poverty and inequality by the year 2030. The NDP aims to do this by consuming on energies of the South Africans, growing an economy that is inclusive of all the people of the country, state capacity enhancement and the promotion of leadership and partnership in the society. The NDP predict a country where everyone feels free,…show more content…
Herber (2014) looks at development in the eye of Human development rather than on economic indicators. He defined human development as the expansion of peoples freedoms to live long, healthy and creatively. According to the (UNDP, 2010), people are both the beneficiaries and drivers of human development. The National Development Plan is a long term plan that defines and identifies the desired destinations of the countries development plan. As a long strategic plan it seeks to provide goals of what the country hopes to achieve by the year 2030. It also aims to build agreement on the key challenges the country faces in achieving the required and desired goals and on how to overcome the identified obstacles. The NDP aims to make sure that all South Africans have a decent standard of living by illuminating poverty and reducing inequality. The fundamental elements for a decent standard of living recognised by the plan include housing, water electricity and sanitation, safe and reliability of the public transport system, quality education and training and development, safety and security a clean…show more content…
Modernization was further defined by scholars as a process of social change whereby less developed societies acquire characteristics common to developed countries or societies (Lerner 1972: 386). Modernization theory captures the confidence of thoughts of the post war. It involves breaking the chains of traditional society and moving towards the enlightened space of modern society. The process of modernity was seen as a result of endogenous forces. With reference to Apter (1967) modernization could be measured by assessing the spread of multiplying of modernising roles. Modernization supported a strong version of human capital theory, that entailed that investment in education and training would result in economic growth. With the adoption of modernization there was an assumption that western teaching which introduced formal education would teach people the skills and cultural practices that characterize modern societies. Globalization Panitch & Gindin, (2004) define globalization as the spread of capitalist relations to every corner of the world. Before the introduction of globalisation capital was geographically constrained according to societies, but with the wide spread of globalization regulatory bodies have also changed. Bodies such as the World Trade Organization have become the primary bodies. With globalization, schooling systems have broadened, schools

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