Graphene Oxide Lab Report

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1.1 INTRODUCTION Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) is a gas emitted from certain solids or liquids. It is a large group of carbon-based chemicals that is easily evaporated at normal room temperature 25˚C and pressure 1 atm. Thus, the organic compounds which require heating and cooling to produce a vapour are considered stable. (Goldstein, Allen H et al., 2007). This study for esterification of graphene oxide revolves around the usage of nanomaterials for the VOCs detection. According to Buzea, Cristina et al., (2007), nanomaterials is an ultra-small objects with its dimensions measure in nanometers (nm) and typically this nanomaterials properties dimensions that has less than 100nm in size. This nanomaterials has their own unique properties because of their large surface area for reaction. The nanomaterials used in this study is graphene oxide. Graphene oxide nanomaterials can be used for many applications such as air purification, water treatment, anti-bacterial, and self-cleaning because of their effective photo-catalytic activity. The advantage of using Nano-sized materials for…show more content…
To synthesis the graphene oxide 2. To functionalize the graphene for volatile organic compound (VOCs) detection. 3. To detect esterification of graphene oxide (GO) using volatile organic compound (VOC) detection. 1.5 Hypothesis/ Assumptions Every research study has specific outcome and the assumptions that can be made from the analysis. Upon adsorption of VOC detection, the assumptions that can be made based on the past research are basically on its current conductivity where the different percent usage of VOC may led the current or conductivity to increase or decline. The reactions of different VOC may also causes the temperature of detection to fluctuate which depends on the percent usage of VOC in each reaction. 1.6 Significance of

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