Technology In The Digital Era

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BLENDED TECHNIQUE AN INNOVATION OVER CONVENTIONAL METHOD IN DIGITALISED ERA Ruchi Shivam, Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, B.H.U Dr. Sunita Singh, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, B.H.U ABSTRACT: We live in a connected world with an easy access to vast array of online information’s and experiences. Our generation is growing in a world where knowledge and opportunity is just a screen touch away. The need of quality in education has become essential in this knowledge world. Today’s era is full of technology and digital world thus creating new challenges for teachers. As teachers are the most effective way of interface between the students and knowledge, hence they need…show more content…
All these elements have become a sign of development. The quality in education become important, because we live in an integrated world where every nation is able to contribute to improve the lives of not its own but throughout globe Today’s era is full of technology and digital world thus creating new challenges for teachers. As teachers are the most effective interface between the students and knowledge, hence they need to be well updated and skilful. With the advancement of technology it has become possible to modify the way of learning and presenting information to them. Broadly teaching and learning process can be divided into conventional teaching and learning methods and innovative or modern teaching and learning method. Traditional teaching method Vs Modern…show more content…
It is essential to introduce and expand a new culture of knowledge, based on active users who are able to create, search, analyze, communicate and share information and knowledge. In this respect, Blended learning constitutes a strategic environment which facilitates the adoption of the new educational paradigm based on active learning. It creates an active teaching and learning atmosphere where students participate and work as a team to achieve their goal. The development of blended learning in the university system is still at its initial stage. The use of technology in teaching and learning process is an effective step to be taken by the universities. Still very few universities have moved in this way. One of the biggest examples before us is Delhi University. This university had adopted the model of blended learning in its course work. Delhi University (DU) is collaborating with UK's Open University (OU), pioneers of distance learning, on a teacher-training programme. The project, funded by the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), aims to use the expertise of OU to help DU integrate technology in traditional teaching. "The project aims to improve teaching methods in science and vocational education in DU, by maximising the use of technology," stated Richard Allen, professor of literature and former dean of Arts, OU. (Times of India, April 7, 2008)
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