Globalization In Education

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Globalization has influenced many aspects of society and will continue to shape the future of education. The impact of globalization has led to excessively high enrollments for many universities and colleges. It has become increasingly clear that individuals need to continually learn new skills in order to keep their jobs and competitiveness in the knowledge and digital economy. People who cannot or will not learn new skills will have more difficulty finding a job and stay competitive. Leaders of distance learning must be constantly aware of how to set, evaluate and assess the validity of programs, content and emerging technologies to remain competitive and viable in this new society. With increasing changes happening around the world, leaders…show more content…
14). With the many issues relating to the administration and management of a distance learning program, leaders must develop a deeper basis of the balance to manage current and future challenges. Managing administrative policies effectively, can be the key to a successful career leader in distance…show more content…
More importantly, however, he challenges higher education professionals to reach beyond their comfort zones and to ask how and why they teach. Distance education also challenges the administrators of higher education to wonder how and why they reward teachers. (P 63) It is evident from Folkers (2005) research that emerging leaders in distance education will not only need to be successful business managers, but will also include concepts related to human capital management. Leaders must be adaptable to change and leaders without continually emerging technologies. Complex enterprises develop niche specializations and collaboration with the business units to create the agenda specific training. Pedagogical models must remain aware of similar growing markets to a business model of theory and practice. Educational structures may no longer exist static environments and must adopt business sensitivities to stay competitive. Lee Hok Tiong Tan and Goh (2004) state, "Errors in distance learning can be very expensive-for the institution, its community of teachers and students" (¶ 54). Therefore, the new leaders in distance education can prove to be valuable assets to their scholarly communities of learning by becoming funnels of knowledge, maintenance through transformational leadership, having
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