Disaster Medical Assistance Teams Case Study

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1. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) a. Medical teams assembled to assess, triage, and provide medical supportive care for patients with acute primary care needs while updating the patient’s electronic health record into the system to ensure medical records will be retrieved at the final destination of the patient. Their duties are to stabilize life during emergency events for up to 72 hours without external assistance and determine the appropriate destination for patients. The teams consist of medical personnel that are trained in their line of duty and certifications and licensures are necessary to perform their line of work. However, certifications and licensures are honored from all states during activation of the emergency plan. NDMS is responsible for ensuring these credentials are current and valid. These medical professionals include nurses, physicians, medical technicians, and other medical staff responsible for providing health care. Teams are able to respond to the emergency activation within 6 hours and move to the emergency site within 48 hours…show more content…
Teams of nurses are arranged to help support facilities where nursing staff is limited. They also provide aid to the NPRT in the event of large amounts of vaccinations or chemoprophylaxis need to be administered. The level of nurses varies from a higher level such as a nurse practitioner to lower levels such as nurses’ aide and credentials varies depending on level of duty. 3. National Pharmacy Response Team (NPRT) a. Teams of medical personnel responsible for administering vaccinations and chemoprophylaxis to a large amount of individuals during a national emergency. They are also responsible to ensure adequate supplies are available during activation of the emergency. These members consist of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy students. Credentials and licensures are required by the type of profession each individual is classified in. 4. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team

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