Teacher Education Case Study

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Part B 7. Issues and concerns in Teacher Education between developing and developed country. (Choose ant ONE (1) country from each category) Abstract Teacher education programs among countries are often examined and are analyzed for further enhancement of their effectiveness. In this 21st century, teachers are not only expected as imparters of knowledge, teachers are also to hold the responsibility of shaping a better citizenry. This paper aims to compare and contrast the teacher education in Singapore and Malaysia in order to trace the differences and similarities in the responses of these two developed and developing countries. Introduction Teacher education refers to a program that is related to the development of teacher…show more content…
The TED has numerous units that assist in its operations. For example, the Planning and Policy Unit will plan and determine the direction of teacher education. The Curriculum Unit will be responsible in determining curriculum for different programs offered in teacher training colleges, the Assessment Unit will handle the setting of examination questions and marking answer scripts as well as the awarding of the student teachers’ grades, the Student-Selection Unit conducts the aptitude tests and interviews to select the candidates for the teacher training colleges. The MOE is solely responsible for primary school teachers’ training, while the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) is responsible for secondary school teacher education and breeding. The Figure 5 shows the list of Teacher Education Institute in…show more content…
The only difference here is MTEP based on “Conceptual Model of Teacher Education Philosophy 1982”, while STEP is based on V3SK. MTEP constituted based on nineteen personal, professional and societal qualities. That means MTEP is emphasized on 3 main components: professional, academic and self and social development. The researcher would like to stress that the Teacher Education Philosophy in Malaysia should be updated, the “Conceptual Model of Teacher Education Philosophy 1982” was held for may be 19th century or 20th century. Currently, we are in the 21st century, the teachers we need must be able to nurture the 21st century learners. While, the V3SK focuses on three value paradigms: Student-centered, Teacher Identity and Service to the Profession and Community (NIE, 2009). Student-centered values put the student at the center of teachers’ work, calling awareness of learner development and diversity, believing that all youths can learn, caring for the student, striving for scholarship in content teaching, knowing how people learn best, and learning to design the best learning environment possible. Teacher identity values refer to having high standards and a strong drive to learn in view of the rapid changes in the educational situation, and being responsive to
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