Problems In Mental Health

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Adolescence is considered to be the peak age for the appearance of mental illnesses. More than half of the people who will ever have a mental illness experience their first episode before they are 18 years old. The first episodes of mental health illnesses are extremely important due to the fact that they are predictors of future episodes. But even when is so important for teenagers to seek help, they fall under the category of the ones who are less likely to look for it. (Kelly and Mithen 1) Most teenagers have the belief that they can deal with this problem alone, or fear how other people will react to the situation, believing in ideas implanted in their heads from previous generations that need to be changed. Is estimated that suffering…show more content…
According to the “The World Health Report 2001:Mental Health : New Understanding, New Hope.” certain solutions that we can use to approach this problem are: to provide treatment in primary care, to make psychotropic drugs available, to give care in the community, to educate the public, to involve communities, to establish national policies, to develop human resources, to link with other sectors, to monitor the community mental health, and to support more research. Providing treatment in primary care enables a larger amount of people to get access to services faster and easier than before. However, for this to happen general health personnel needs to be trained in the essential skill need to treat in mental health care which would cost money to the government. Similarly to educate the public is of the utmost importance, increasing awareness could stop the stigma and discrimination that often causes teenagers to avoid looking for…show more content…
Nonetheless, depression and many other psychiatric disorders are really common but frequently unrecognized. (Wilkinson,4 ) Mostly, due to the fact that not a lot of people know how to recognize mental illnesses. However, if they were instructed how to, they could seek the help for adolescents who refuse to seek it for themselves. In 2007, the Youth Mental Health First Aid Program was set in motion in Australia. The program’s initial aim was to teach adults the skills needed to identify early signs of mental illness and how to assist adolescents to get help as soon as possible. Over the first 3 years of this program, 318 instructors were trained to deliver the course and have done so with more than 10,686 people across all states and territories in Australia. Initial evaluation shows how the course helped the participants’ knowledge, attitude and helping behavior regarding the situation. After its success, the program spread to Canada, Singapore, and England, and will spread to Hong Kong, Sweden, and China in the near future. (Kelly and Mithen, 1) In this way setting a precedent for a future in which this approach could prepare adults to know how to approach people with mental health illnesses. This could create a more comfortable atmosphere for teenagers, leading them to seek help knowing that people would be more understanding of their

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