ESP Teacher Training

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point to the deficiency of pre-service teacher education programs as a result of continuous changes occurred in the knowledge base of this field which demands teachers to keep their knowledge up-to-date. Regarding teacher-education activities, they illuminate on the significance of the following assumptions: _teachers can share their experience and knowledge with each other at work; _knowledge is not definite and complete but can always be improved and developed; _teachers can learn practically from what happens in their classrooms; and _teachers’ role in developing their profession is significant. represent an innovative approach for ESP teacher education by integrating They recommend using the word education rather than training as…show more content…
identified 5 Key elements of ESP teacher training as: “familiarity with key concepts in a scientific or professional discipline; acquaintance with its discourse characteristics and skill in genre analysis; familiarity with discourse and knowledge appropriation processes in science and engineering; awareness of expectations and valuing systems; and a repertoire of strategies for teaching science and engineering genres. ESP teacher training programs incorporates 4 main elements: _Selection: the important role of teachers in any pedagogical program necessitates an accurate approach regarding differentiating effective teachers from ineffective ones. _ Continuing personal education: teachers’ personal education should be continuously improved. The programs designed for this purpose and also the minimum standards for teacher education vary based on the countries and contexts. _ this element focuses on knowledge other than the content knowledge required by teachers such as knowledge of the nature of education, educational psychology and…show more content…
In this study, the beliefs of two teachers were investigated. The results indicated two aspect of difference between EAP and CLT (Communicative Language Teaching): the way the language system is described which in turn makes a framework for teacher’s actions and talks and the way students’ performance is scaffold. E. Johnson looks at teacher cognition from a sociocultural perspective and argues that teacher cognition is He also claims that teachers’ knowledge and beliefs are shaped based on . Teachers should not be considered as a machine repeating the same processes but they are involved in a continuingly changing and developing cognitive process which influence on decisions they make (Crandall, 2000). as components of teacher cognition. In a conversation with Birello (Birello, 2012), Simon Borg asserts that to understand what teachers really do, we need to consider their cognition, attitudes, needs and beliefs beside their behaviors. However, some years ago_ almost forty_ the dominant assumption was that by knowing teachers’ behaviors we could program them in a desired way. Refuting this idea, Borg claims that teaching is more than behavior and to know teachers we need to consider them as individuals with various beliefs, attitudes, experiences, cognition, knowledge, feelings and

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