Importance Of Ict In Schools

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Nowadays, many fields of our society are changing, and a great part of these changes are due to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). We are reaching a point at which we depend on new technologies to get on in our daily lives. Therefore, many changes are also taking place in schools -and more concretely in classrooms-, since the arrival of ICT requires on the one hand an appropriate teacher training and on the other hand, a suitable use by students. Hence, in order to know more about these changes and to obtain useful real data, a quantitative research will be developed, and the different results obtained will be commented. This piece of research is focused on analysing the difference between how English teachers and students…show more content…
Also, it is very important that the integration of ICT in education develops literacy and training to acquire skills that allow access and information management with critical and reflective abilities. “It is important that children are made aware that ICT is all around us, and is likely to be an important element of their lives” (Ager, 2003, p.27). On the one hand, with regard to the use of ICT in English schools, Leask & Meadows (2000) state: …the push towards ICT comes partly from government, but it is also arising from the interests of teachers and pupils, from the needs of computer companies and educational internet service providers and from a general awareness in society of the influence and importance of new technologies. (p.2) Nowadays, most of primary schools in England are equipped with ICT and teachers are generally trained in its use. A great majority of the teachers are interested in ICT, and they think that technologies make the autonomous learning easier, encourage the students’ interest and motivation and promote the creative ability of the…show more content…
For that reason, young people must be prepared to live responsibly in a changing world, facing the historical development of ICT (Segura, Candioti & Medina, 2007). The Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (2013) declares: “Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación serán una pieza fundamental para producir el cambio metodológico que lleve a conseguir el objetivo de mejora de la calidad educativa.” (p.8). Likewise, both teachers and students must make a responsible use of ICT. In 2002, the Spanish Government took on a set of actions to promote the use of ICT in the educational system called ‘Internet en la Escuela’ (Segura, Candioti & Medina, 2007). However, no improvement of educational systems is possible without the commitment and collaboration of teachers. The incorporation of ICT in education requires that teachers acquire the necessary skills and training so that ICT integration in the classroom occurs

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