Cause And Effect Of Social Media

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The Effect of Social Media for People First of all, allow me talk about social media. People nowadays are already familiar with social media children, teenagers, adults use the social media for their daily life. As me know, social media as a new trendsetter of life, has both the good influence and bad influence. For the children, as a matter of fact, they can see everything they can throughtout the whole world. It gives benefits if the parents can control the use of social media to their children. We can get more information as easy as we can blink our eyes. Is social media responsible for moral decadence in our society? As a matter of fact I think so. Althrought many people that it is not a direct affect on society, I believe social media…show more content…
Social media has dramatically changed the way we communicate, because social media has endued so quickly and has a big impact on the interpersonal relationship, and a potential effects on people’s emotional and mental health. The heavy use of social media is connected with poorer mental health, the users were more likely to be depressed then occasional users. The blue light of screens are affecting sleep quality and quantity of behavior, it makes people wake to check their phones reduce sleep, since sleep is crucial for developing adolescent brain and lack of sleep is connected with lower mood and depression. Being too active on social media and worrying about daily status updates has been associated to anxiely, poor body image and degrades mental…show more content…
Social media can be the useful tool if used wisely, but more offen people don’t and abuse it. Even it has gained a blind following , many social media users nowadays cannot prove why social media is helpful or has benefit. The negative effects of social media conquer the positive. In conclusion, social media is continuing to be harmful, unless something is done about it. People should care of social media, it might cause the problems of through out the world. It can affect the growth of interpersonal and psychologicall in many internet users. Social media can be composed of hoaxes, creates hackers, stalkers and spreads chaos widely. So, it is still believed ah people should try to enjoy the more offline world, develop the face to face commucation and treat the social networking sites
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