Effects Of Anxiety On Social Media

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Chandler Betts Period 5 The Impact of Teen Anxiety From the Use of Social Media In recent years, there has been a surge of the use of social media over the years. Social media has brought much improvements in life and technology thru communication, and it allows us to stay connected to the current life like news. However, social media isn’t perfect because it has its own faults of its own. In the decade there has been a surge of teens that are experiencing anxiety in their day to day life. Anxiety is pretty common for most people and isn’t something that can severely affect people except in some cases. However, some teens are experiencing so much anxiety that they can’t continue with their day and stay lock up away on their devices or in their…show more content…
This could possibly affect the teen because they could be anxious about them missing something on their phone. This can happen to anyone when they turn off their phones because they feel like they will miss that one important message. This fear has a name and its “Nomophobia, or the pathological fear of remaining out of touch with technology, is a relatively modern affliction. It's basically a side effect of changes the mobile phone has made to human habits, behaviors and even the way we perceive reality.”(Rahim) This shows that it can be a serious problem to some people and cause anxiety in some people when it is taken away. However, people with these fears can break out of this fear with working on it like any fear people have. One possible way is to slowly decrease the usage of the phone so it can eventually go away. Another way is to implement rules early on in a person life to make sure it doesn’t become a problem later in life. The loss of a phone isn’t the only thing that can cause anxiety-like there is also…show more content…
Sameer and Justin from the University of Florida and Wisconsin did a study on cyberbullying and found out “Cyberbullying is a growing problem because increasing numbers of kids are using and have completely embraced online interactivity. A remarkable 95% of teens in the US are online, and three-fourths (74%) access the Internet on their mobile device. They do so for school work, to keep in touch with their friends, to play games, to learn about celebrities, to share their digital creations, or for many other reasons. Because the online communication tools have become such a tremendous part of their lives, it is not surprising that some youth have decided to use the technology to be malicious or menacing towards others.”(Hinduja and Patchin). With the rise of usage it only natural for the possibility of cyberbullying to increase. Cyberbullying can have severe effects on teens because it not like any normal bullying because it is much harder to stop because the people bully the teen can just make a new account and keep tormenting them. Also in the same article, they also found that “About 25 percent of the over 10,000 randomly-selected 11-18 year-olds we have surveyed over the last seven years have said that they have been cyberbullied at some point in their lifetimes. About 17 percent admitted to
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