The Disadvantages Of Social Media

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Life is running faster, kids are growing faster; the whole world’s pace has become faster, and the way we communicate is changing over the years and is in huge progress. Some people like it, some people don’t, but at the end of the day the world has become a revolutionary one. It is unstoppable, limitless and very unpredictable. Accepting change is not an option anymore, but a must. In order to survive we shall try to catch up with the world’s pace or trip and fall behind. Technology is what pops in our minds when we think of how the world is being regulated, controlled, and developed. Part of technology, is undoubtedly the new media, social media particularly; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and the like. Nowadays children are always…show more content…
Firstly, children using new media are suffering from the hate speech because they are most of the time away from face to face interaction. A study conducted in the University of Michigan showed that the more participants used Facebook over two weeks the more their life satisfaction declined too (Reyes). A decrease in life satisfaction can cause isolation and feelings of hopelessness, which can affect the persons’ personal and social life. Another problem is children realizing that they want to show their ideas by sharing them on Facebook. This is wrong because the best way to share the ideas is by talking with people face to face. Moreover, each person has skills which should be known firstly by himself, but he wouldn’t don’t do that because he is spending most of his time online rather than trying to find necessary skills to succeed in practical life. As a result being isolated from the real world and more involved in the virtual one will cause people, specifically children, to be less social and more awkward. Moreover, being online on social media can take children away from their friends and family. So, the relationship between children and their parents will be broken because of the huge hole that social media drills between them and their…show more content…
They experience many physical, mental, and emotional changes as they grow up; however, there is another reason of these changes which is the addiction of social media. Boys exposure to pornography can make them sexually active at a very young age, and sometimes they can even become sex addicts. Moreover, using social networking sites have been shown to have a psychological effect on some girls as well. For instance, girls may compare themselves unfavorably when reviewing online profiles. Research has led to the development of what is called “Facebook Depression”. “This develops when preteens and teens spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then be-gin to exhibit classic symptoms of depression”(O'Keeffe). This is a psychological problem that will have an effect on the individual’s life and health on the long term. Moreover, some kids put pictures of addiction, smoking, drinking alcohol and demon worship, causing well behaved kids to mimic them in an attempt to “fit in”. A result of the physical health problem is obesity. Staying hours and hours working on media will lead to weight gain and laziness which is a result of eating without moving. An article called “Does Adolescent Media Use Cause Obesity and Eating Disorders?”, that discusses the effect of media on obesity and eating disorders concluded that “considerable data exist to justify the notion that the media
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