Social Media Rhetorical Analysis

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Social Media has created negative effects for common people all over the world from psychological disorders to ruining economies. L. D. Rosen, from the California State University Department of Psychology, in her article, “Social Networking Is Addictive and Can Lead to Psychological Disorders” argues about the effects and psychological disorders created with the users. Rosen builds her credibility by including numerous accounts of logos, ethos, and pathos. Sam Leith’s article “Social Networking Sites are Addictive” is about the negative effects of social media being addictive with the use of logos and ethos, and also pathos. Together, both of these authors effectively use reasoning, authority, and emotion, but also include logical fallacy.…show more content…
By using anecdotes, the audience can visualize stories of average people, just like themselves. Leith’s article uses the cause and effect element of logos by stating the use of Facebook has caused the “economy in lost productivity may have to be offset by the sale of its data to marketing companies” (Leith 3). Rosen uses logos once again by also stating cause and effect stories of users of social media, such as when a mother spent too much time on social media, causing financial and family problems (Rosen 3). Cause and Effect examples help the readers understand the actual importance of the argument of the problems caused by social media, whether that relates to jobs or family…show more content…
Rosen then states how social media helps common people by providing a fun thing to do, but they can become addictive leading to more cons than benefits. . While using social media, the media we post online do not reflect us as an individual leading to wanting to make yourself better then you actually are (Dailey 243). Rosen also includes the promise of enjoyment, since a video game addict could enjoy a game, but to get the state of happiness required for a “more challenging, more violent, or more interactive game”, leads to the player wanting more (Rosen

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