Apple Inc Strategic Analysis

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Strategic analysis requires analyzing three primary activities which refer to the mission of the organization, internal environmental analysis and external environmental analysis. In this stage, we can analyze that Apple Inc. is more focus on the components such as the current technologies than on the employees based on the mission statement. SWOT analysis can be used to analyze the internal and external environment of Apple Inc. The internal environment factors are strengths that represent value to the organization and weaknesses that hinder the organization’s ability to compete. Opportunities that help the organization to stay as the leaders in the market and threats that affect negatively on the financial returns of the organization are…show more content…
At this stage, the organization structure which helps the manager can allocate and utilize resources to achieve the goals of the organization (Goodman et al, 2016). Apple Inc. provides an unconventional and unique organizational chart (refer to Figure 2.1) that Timothy Donald Cook who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at its center. There is no middle manager in Apple’s organizational chart so the top manager likes CEO and first line managers such as senior vice president (SVP) share the roles of middle managers. According to Meyer (2017), the organizational chart of Apple has spoken-and-wheel hierarchy where Timothy Donald Cook at the center and the vice presidents are more…show more content…
did engage the staff and employees, as well as to motivate them with a specific end goal to accomplish set objectives. Apple Inc. has seen the leadership styles of five people since 1976 that it was made (Nair and Quay, 2012). The five CEOs involved in the leadership of Apple Inc. were Steve Jobs, John Sculley, Michael Splinder, Gil Amelio, and Tim Cook. Steve Jobs is a co-founder of Apple Inc. in 1976 (with a youth companion Steve Wozniak). He was compelled to leave the organization in 1985, after web control battles, and returned twelves years after the fact. From 1983 to 1993 the organization's CEO was John Sculley, a Pepsi deals and marketing executive (Isaacson, 2012) who despite the fact that figured out how to pull the partnership through the financial emergency in the USA, in the 80s, effectively, with a securities exchange cost up by 75% and he needed to compete the major rival that was Microsoft but was an useless undertaking, a short time later, he was replaced by Michael Spinder. In 1996, Gil Amelio replaced John Sculley and attempted to change the organization by implementing new projects and inciting various rejections. In 1997, Steve Jobs was reestablished as the organization's CEO, who initiated the adjustment in the gadget technology we have today. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs was passed away in 2011 and Tim Cook was assigned to control the organization by Board of Director (BOD) until

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