Creative Writing

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  • Personal Reflective Analysis

    664 Words  | 3 Pages

    preliminary paper in which I first evaluated myself. From reviewing my critiqued reflection paper, the weaknesses and strengths I possess have been more accentuated for me to evaluate and revise more competently. When I began this semester I believed writing and grammar came fairly easy and straightforward to me; nonetheless, it became clear to me that there were quite a few grammar techniques I did not know nor was aware of using properly. A substantial weakness I appear to have is wording sentences

  • English 111 Thesis Statement Analysis

    937 Words  | 4 Pages

    their degree requirements. One such mandatory class is Freshman Writing, commonly known as English 111. Students are expected to be able to verbalize their thoughts in all classes in which they are enrolled; so being able to write effectively is a necessity! Devoting a class early in one’s college career can ensure that the requisite skills are learned and refined prior to entering into a specified course of study. To record my writing, I own a MacBook Air, and I consider myself to be fairly computer

  • A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis

    1111 Words  | 5 Pages

    Many people fail to see that writing is not only an art but a skill which can be difficult to master. Sure, most people have the ability to write but to be able to compose a piece which can make the audience feel something and to see something that maybe they didn’t notice before is a completely different thing. Even the most talented English literature students can have problems when trying to compel a good argument. Some people just have a natural ability to stoke up strong feelings about issues

  • The Bitter Truth About Sugar Leith Summary

    908 Words  | 4 Pages

    William Leith is a journalist who has written about various diverse subjects such as Palestine or drugs. He writes regularly for the Guardian, the Observer, and the Daily Telegraph. His first book, The Hungry Years, was published by Bloomsbury in 2005. Additionally, another piece of work written by Leith is the article “The Bitter Truth about Sugar”. This article comes off as an objective piece that raises enlightening, yet enjoyable information with the use of amusing vocabulary concerning the disadvantages

  • Nt1310 Unit 3

    1419 Words  | 6 Pages

    Semester A Unit 3 Lesson 9 Introduction and Objective An author has a reason for writing fiction and nonfiction. The author writes fiction to inform the reader. What information would a science textbook give? What kind of information would a text on the first president of the United States give? All text has a purpose and a point of view that the author provides. Today's lesson objective is: students will be able to determine an author's point of view or purpose within a text, providing examples

  • Zadie Smith Fail Better

    1478 Words  | 6 Pages

    Writing is an art that not many people understand. Some individuals are able to tear at a painting, while others gasp aloud when seeing a theater performance. A painted portrait and theater are forms of commination. Likewise, writing is a communication tool that opens up the heart, and reveals a roadway of emotions. Some of these emotions are positive, while others are negative. Like emotions, literature can be very unpredictable. There are the pressures to make powerful and influential works, which

  • Jerry Spinelli Research Paper

    1502 Words  | 7 Pages

    living,” but that is exactly what Jerry Spinelli became famous for, his writing. During Spinelli’s life he wrote many children's books. His style of writing was interesting, and he was most known for his ability to precisely talk about, in his books, of what it is like to be a kid. In the book Loser he writes about a boy who is very noisy and is not accepted by any of the teachers or kids at school. Jerry Spinelli’s writing was greatly influenced by his childhood experiences and he continues to write

  • Dan Meltzer Rhetorical Analysis

    962 Words  | 4 Pages

    into explicit detail of why the rhetoric situation is needed in writing. He starts by expressing the need to have a purpose as to why you are writing and also an audience to whom you are writing to. Establishing a persona which expresses the attitude of the writer, and the text which defines the genre. Lastly, it’s also having a context which includes influential factors on the writer. It is important for students to understand that writing is situated because it constructs and valorizes new disciplinary

  • Personal Narrative: Myself As A Writer

    1124 Words  | 5 Pages

    I’ve always thought writing was pretty fun. It is something to do that takes you completely away from your body into to a state of mental non-awareness, where only the content of your mind exists. It can be frustrating, for sure, but can also be very rewarding. Although I like to think I am a reasonably good writer, there are things I do have a tough time with. I think over all, my writing lacks maturity. This is exemplified by my poor organizational skills and bad conclusions. But, with work, I

  • Personal Narrative: Self As A Writer

    632 Words  | 3 Pages

    WW4 – Self as Writer Throughout my entire academic career, I have noticed that there are a few areas in my writing that I succeed well in. Most of the time I am able to craft an attention-grabbing introduction and conclusion that also inform. I think this is because when I was in high school we were instructed heavily to create an opening and closing to a paper that could summarize the rest of the paper if they were to be the only thing we wrote. I try to assure that my thoughts flow well or that