Creative Writing

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  • Why I Write Terry Tempest Williams Analysis

    875 Words  | 4 Pages

    vivid images, that the speaker wants to tell the world how it is acceptable to be brave, explore who you are, and be your unique self. William’s wants to challenge readers to look inside themselves and see what their own purpose is – why they are writing. With a red scarf wrapped around the narrator’s neck a feeling of bravery captures her. Her reasons for

  • Personal Narrative: My Father's Cabin

    1555 Words  | 7 Pages

    Being a writer in a very real and very harsh world can be difficult at times. There are too many people that cloud your thoughts with sadness, anger, and hopelessness. And living the the hectic city of New York doesn't help much. People are on a strict deadline and believe that where they need to be and what they're doing is more important than having even the slightest form of common courtesy such as even saying “thanks”. Back in the day when life was simple and all you had to worry about was going

  • Personal Narrative: My Improvements For My Writing

    658 Words  | 3 Pages

    Improvements for My Writing All the English classes I taken have made me a better writer. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Those improvements will be how to brainstorm better topics, how to limit the fillers I use that create wordiness such as for, and, but, as, and other small words that I do not need. In addition, to leave the words such as “thing and it”, as well as sentence fragments. As I become better and improve these writing problems, I will be able to have less errors

  • Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Literary Analysis

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    There are several different types of writers classified using criterias based on the reader. According to Vladimir Nabokov, an English professor, a good writer is considered, “as a storyteller, as a teacher, and as an enchanter” (1036). Nabokov further describes the ideal quality of being a deceiver. Frederick Douglass, author of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, meets Nabokov’s explanation of a good writer in three of the four ways: being a deceiver, teacher, and storyteller

  • In The Word Kitchen

    627 Words  | 3 Pages

    The most influential and effective writers are the writers who take their time and discus the best way to write their novel or short story. Writing is a very challenging. A lot of thought and planning goes behind making a story flow. For certain writings you have to change your style so that it fits better than another style. In Gates’ essay “In the Kitchen” he discusses what the word kitchen means to him. He discusses how history has a certain standard of what good and bad hair looks like

  • Essay My Perfect Writing Place

    852 Words  | 4 Pages

    My perfect writing workplace, My first inclination, when I was assigned to write about my perfect writing workplace, was to pick a verandah at a beach house overlooking the ocean maybe in the Caribbean. I absolutely love the sound and smell of the ocean. But upon further refection I decided that would not be my perfect place. At least, it would not be my perfect writing place, for a vacation it would be fantastic. So, after much thought I decided that I would love to have a writing retreat in

  • Rhetorical Situation Essay

    539 Words  | 3 Pages

    consist of audience, purpose of the writing, context, genre and the constraints of the situation. Similar to “Slowing Down” from Billy Collins, writing should have a target audience, and the style of the writing would have to adapt to the target audience as it can change from one group of people to another. All writing must have a purpose, writing mostly used to persuade someone into believing in something. Without purpose, writing will be boring and uninteresting. Writing can be express in different genre

  • Improving My Writing Skills

    466 Words  | 2 Pages

    convey information into my own words. I believe that my writing could always use some improvements, and will always be able to be improved on. Based on the feedback I have received during this class, I need to make sure that my papers are formatted correctly, my grammar and punctuation is correct and that I am meeting the word count. I believe I have the formats down, and have saved the guides just in case. When it comes to my grammar

  • Skilled Writer Differences

    353 Words  | 2 Pages

    A skilled writer has a purpose for their writing, they are able to organize their ideas to have a better flow in their writing, know who their audience, are able to make modifications, know the characteristics of writing/genres, and enjoy writing. On the other hand a struggling writer does not organize their ideas, doesn’t know their audience, makes little to none revisions, and had has a negative view of their writing. Personality I like all of the writing strategies because each one address an area

  • Scholarly Writing In Undergraduate Education

    265 Words  | 2 Pages

    Scholarly writing in undergraduate education is important to maintain because it benefits undergraduates obtaining a position within their career. Scholarly writing provides information about a topic using original thoughts for all academic fields (Walden University 2015 p.1). Programs that encourage scholarly writing to improve undergraduates skills such as the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR) that generated a study of all students and faculty stakeholder groups through online surveys