The Similarities And Differences Of Jesus In Christianity And Christianity

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Jesus was an incredibly important historical figure, playing an instrumental role in the development of the biggest religions of this day. Ultimately, Islam and Christianity both recognize Jesus in different ways, having a lasting impact on the development of their religions. Likewise, over the course of history, many similarities and differences can be drawn between Christians and Muslims’ perception of who Jesus was and the impact his story had on the continual development of the world. Jesus was the founder of Christianity, making him an essential individual in this worldly religion. In fact, Christianity would not exist without the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. According to the Holy Bible, Jesus was part of the house of King David, a Jew, and king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, making Jesus already a powerful influence during his lifetime. Furthermore, Christians accept that Mary,…show more content…
First, the similarities being that Jesus was a virgin birth and that he was the Messiah. Additionally, they both accept that Jesus performed many miracles, although, to Muslims, God allowed Jesus to perform these miracles. Finally, they both believe that Jesus will return someday back to Earth but for different reasons. Christians trust he will return in order to fulfill his prophecy, and Muslims believe he will return to destroy the anti-Christ. To contrast, Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet and a man, while Christians trust that he was the son of God. Also, Muslims believe that Jesus was never crucified at the cross, but rather was ascended into heaven by God. Yet, Christians believed that Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected, returning to God, his father. Christians accept that Jesus is a part of God, making up the Holy Trinity, while Muslims think that God is oneness and disbelieve in the

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