Rural Leadership Characteristics

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Rural areas often need to be self-sufficient due to distance and lack of resources. It was mentioned by the interviewee that self-sufficiency is a characteristic in itself that sows the seeds of leadership from a very young age in leaders that are born and brought up in rural areas. Proactive was considered as a trait by two of the candidates. The characteristics of being proactive had started to show up from school age. This is then carried on into adult life and which, when opportunity arises makes one a leader. It was noted in seven of the leaders that from school age, they were proactive and had some responsibility from being captain to a cheer leader. The vision was considered as a trait by four leaders. The future vision and ability…show more content…
The commonest trait used was emotional intelligence; however eleven of them mentioned multiple traits and characteristics. Three answers were not well structured to answer the given question; however inference had to be drawn from the examples given. One of the interviewees did not give an example of did mention the traits that were perceived as important for success. Leading from the centre and empowering people was consistent them in ten of the examples. People involvement and lead by setting an example was believed to be the traits that were most successful. In one example, complex situation was described and it was suggested that addressing seemingly minor issues of the followers led to better loyalty at work and more engagement by the…show more content…
Groups are often formed in the hospitals by leaders and tasks are allocated to the staff. In this success story, the consumers were given as much importance as the staff themselves. The consumers’ group was part of all the planning and policies. Getting involved with the way the institution works, gave the consumer group an insight into the hospital. In that way, the consumer group realised that hospitals do their best to serve the community and the community should reciprocate with the same. It also builds good relations with the staff outside of clinical needs, where the emotions are heightened and expectations are sometimes high or unreal. The consumer group carried the message to their peers and that way the circle of relationship widened. Instead of complaints, a wave of sympathy was created when the consumers saw everything first hand. This sort of model could work the best in rural areas for several reasons. It was easy to identify consumer groups and consumer leaders. Transparency is higher in rural areas just due to smaller numbers. To organise social and formal meetings was easier in the rural areas as often the office commitment for the consumers are not as great as urban areas. The rural community often wishes to get involved in their hospitals as they feel that it is their own responsibility to have a good health service in the region. Hence, consumers becoming a part of the story are a vital to the success of

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