Early Christianity Second Testament

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Followers of early Christianity built on their religious beliefs based on the First Testament (Hebrew Bible/stories) and the Second testament (Biblical scriptures through the background of Jesus as a Jewish child and his influence in Christianity). Through acceptance and rejection of certain Jewish rituals, followers of Christ were able to conjure a new covenant with God. This relationship between humanity and God was based on love, faithfulness, and acceptance of the deceleration “ no one can come to the Father” except through Jesus. (Maoz, 2015) Similarly, the Romans during take over and expansion, adopted Greek values and norms (Hellenism). However, they were able to generate various religious beliefs/groups amongst the citizens of the Roman Empire via the help of their leadership, “Pax Romana/(Roman peace).” This essay compares and contrasts the similarity and differences between early Christianity and “The Mystery Religions” of the Roman Empire. (Maoz, 2015)…show more content…
Jesus, although born under Jewish customs and rituals, including circumcision, conducted teachings in the Aramaic language. Christians opposed Jewish dietary laws and became highly evangelical. They stressed beliefs on the authority of the bible and had faith in Jesus as the true Messiah who would relieve one of stress, sin and hell. (Moaz, 2015) Soon a different perspective arose from the east, which was strictly based on pluralism and various aspects of nature and its processes being divine. Unlike Christianity, these religions believed that god was identified with nature and not the creator of all. Alternatively, when the Roman Empire came under the rule of Constantine, Christianity became a gentile religion and each shield was branded with the “trinity cross” to protect them in

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