Full Inclusion

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Introduction Inclusion is something that affects each of us every day. On our commute to work, in the office, in the classroom, in the media, in the church, it’s everywhere! The idea of full inclusion is heavily supported by many throughout the United States. I think it is safe to say that most of us know an individual with a disability and have learned something from them directly or from their experiences. Whether it is a sibling, spouse, distant relative, child, neighbor or friend, we all have someone who comes to mind. Throughout this paper, I am going to offer several compelling arguments for the idea of full inclusion. I believe every student, no matter what their level of ability, should be included in a general classroom setting to…show more content…
Ro has a diagnosed disability of Rhett’s Syndrome and is nonverbal. Throughout the article, we see many examples of her resiliency through the concept of full inclusion. It was important for her parents to have her in an inclusive setting, despite the challenges they faced together. Even though she is nonverbal, she used sign language and typing on assistive device to help her communicate with others. The article goes on to tell of the influence Ro had on her peers, inspiring one student to advocate for full inclusion for herself when faced with adversity after an accident and teaching this same student sign language. Family Systems In terms of development, the theory of family systems has a larger part to play. Each family has its own unique family dynamic, and when a member of the family has a diagnosed disability, it is even more unique. Families are responsible for loving, promoting education, providing the necessary financial support and socializing the child. In “From my friend, Ro Vargo,” the parents conveyed the importance of socializing and education to their daughter by advocating for her full inclusion and pursuing a secondary education for their daughter. Full-inclusion…show more content…
This study was done between two different high schools in a district, one already established and one starting from the ground up. Some key issues discussed were the teacher’s attitudes towards inclusion, fast paced and self-guided instruction may not benefit all students, more class disruptions and difficulty adapting instruction to include those with severe levels of disability (Pierson & Howell, 2013). The importance of administrative support was discussed heavily and deemed an essential building block. Challenges and Successes While each article was different, there were many similar aspects of success regarding full inclusion. A common theme of the necessity of administrative support, collaboration with other educators, peer interaction and general knowledge of disabilities seemed to arise. There were many challenges of full inclusion discussed throughout these articles as well. It seemed that teacher and supportive staff attitudes and more frequent disruptions were the most common in all of the above referenced articles.

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