Special Education Case Study

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Introduction This is a Summary Examination on Jake’s scenario. Jake is a Special education Student, Sharon his Special Education teacher is trying effortlessly to give Jake a more inclusive education. However, Betty the general educator is not entirely convince of this idea. Sharon feels he is ready for this new challenge. We are going to go through all the aspects of this case, via examination of SPED laws. Response to Betty Jake is a hyperactive student, diagnose with Learning disabilities. He needs the opportunity to prove to himself and to others that he can be part of general education classroom. He has been excelling in his studies, and growing socially, so for this matter Sharon knows he is ready for regular education. But Betty is…show more content…
Her opinion is important but not final. Therefore, an IEP meeting has to take place and decide if the student is ready for General Education. After the IEP meeting dictation if the parents are not in agreement with the school members, they could appeal the decision. According to Section 504 they are in their right to exhausted IDEA resources, and appeal for LRE (least restrictive Environment) that states that Jake has the right to be included in a regular classroom for a better learning and social experience. However, a decision needs to be made for the benefit of the student overviewing every single detail and individualizing the student…show more content…
Therefore, the IEP team and school district has to make arrangements for Jake to provide him a paraprofessional through IDEA 2004 (20 U.S.C. § 1412). Paraprofessionals or Para educators are part of the IDEA 2004. They need to have more than two years of professional studies, trainings and academic knowledge, through this studies they can assist the special education student through supervised instruction from the Classroom Teacher. Having a Paraprofessional part of the day in Betty’s classroom was a decision made from the IEP team and Parents, in their experience they have seen special education students transitioning better with the help of a Paraprofessional. The Paraprofessional will assist Jake half of the school day, from the moment he arrives to school through the end of his lunch time. This will provide a better classroom management for Betty and will help Jake with any behavioral, social, physical and academic issues. Jake has the right to be provided with FAPE (Free Appropriated Public School), in a more inclusive environment. Conclusion It is very important to inforce SPED laws, and provided individualized care and support to each one of our SPED students. Jake is one of many cases that are seen

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