Evidence Based Practice

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Within mainstream inclusive schools students with disabilities face numerous challenges, including social and behavioural that affect themselves, their teachers and peers. Based on previously literature and research, interventions and evidence based practices can be implemented by professionals to reduce the challenges faced by disabled students. Before we can identify these major challenges we first must understand what inclusive education is and its importance within the education system. In order to conceptualise evidence based practice (EBP) that meet various challenges we must shift our focus to a particular disability, like that of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). According to The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth…show more content…
Group teaching recognizes that much of our knowledge is socially constructed. As many ASD students have difficulties in socialising this EBP facilitates and allows these learners to gain confidence in social settings as well as learn in a naturally occurring environment. Group teaching is most effective in a mixed ability setting, as it can help all students reach their ‘zone of proximal development’ as described by Vygotsky (Mitchell, D. (2014)). Furthermore Group teaching can ultimately create a caring and respectful ethos within your classroom environment as well as raising awareness of ASD. Another evidence-based practice is peer tutoring which consists of pairing up students to work on an instructional activity, allowing one student to provide instantaneous instruction, assistance and feedback. Peer tutoring has shown to increase on- task behaviour and social interaction between disabled and non-disabled learners within inclusive environments (Harrower, J. K., & Dunlap, G.,.2001). Previous research indicates that effective intervention strategies used for teaching social skills to adolescents with high-incidence disabilities include: behavioural modelling, coaching, behavioural rehearsal; and performance feedback, conducted in a small-group setting (Mogil, C., Laugeson, E., Frankel, F., Gantman, A., & Dillon, A. (2012) Although these EBP’s are effective in helping create social and educational experiences for ASD students, bullying and ostracizing may still occur from students outside the classroom environment. Inclusive school settings should include policies and procedures that outline and address these

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