Death Penalty In The Philippines

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No to Death Penalty In the Philippines the crimes are rising every moment. Crimes like rape, murder, robbery, human trafficking and other crimes are happening here in the Philippines like a daily hobby of the Filipinos. So people are starting to be afraid and wonder if the government is doing their best to stop these crimes. Now people suggested that death penalty should be brought back in the Philippines so crimes will be lessen, but there are people who will stop them because they think that death penalty is not the right way the punishment is implemented. So what is death penalty? Death Penalty is a capital punishment. It is used today and was used during ancient times to punish people with a variety of offenses. Here in the Philippines,…show more content…
There is no way to tell how many of the more than 1,000 people executed in the past may also have been innocent. Courts do not generally entertain claims of innocence when the defendant is dead. Defence attorneys move on to other cases where clients' lives can still be saved. Most of the people agree that the Philippines is not yet ready to manage life and death decisions. Currently our country is still progressing compared to other big countries like U.S, so most of our ways or system is far behind compared to them. So identifying the guilt will be harder for us. Now in our government we have a lot of extremely corrupt politicians who controls the life of the people. These politicians are usually the one who commits illegal things like selling drugs, stealing money, entering illegal businesses and other illegal things but because of their power they cover their wrong doing without being noticed. Now the worst part is that they blame the wrong people and use their power to win against the victim. Not only that they steal the money of the people but also they play with live of the people for their own interest. Even most of our police officials can’t be trusted. Many of our police officials are easily tempted to do wrong doings because of money. They are easily corrupted by the powerful people because of money. These kind police will frame innocent people for their own benefits. Even some witnesses say that some police are…show more content…
Death penalty cases cost more than ordinary cases because all the lawyers, judges, and other personnel will put more hours into preparing, trying, and reviewing the issues, given that a life is at stake. Jack D’Aurora of the Behal Law Group, writing in The Columbus Dispatch, described the time put in by just one federal judge in Ohio reviewing a capital case towards the end of its appeal, including the lethal injection process. D’Aurora noted that recent cases took an average of 21 years between sentencing and execution date. "The cost likely is millions per case,” he noted. “Life sentences without parole would serve us much better, but we are fixated on a process that drains government resources," he concluded. Death Penalty will need a lot of service, space and facilities from the government. It will take most of our money instead of using that money to help the needy. The Philippines must provide spaces, add more working hours to staffs and build new buildings for this law to happen. It will drain most of our money, our government will not be able to properly progress our economy because of lack of money and it will add more pressure and stress to the workers because more hours will be added to their work. The materials needed for this law are extremely expensive, the cost for lethal injection worth millions and we need to hire expensive executioners to kill the prisoners cause this job is not for everyone. Philippines is a
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