Examples Of Memories In The Giver

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Utopias are one of the worst things invented.Our society is better than the utopian society. Our society gets to make choices for things that are important. In our society there are lots of good memories and bad, though the good memories are so good and fun that it’s worth having some bad memories like pain. Jonas thinks everyone needs to be able to care. Our society gets to make choices for things that are important. “If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things!” said Jonas.In our society there are choices to make like when someone gets up in the morning they get to pick what to eat and what to wear. In the utopian society they don’t get to pick anything, all of their clothes…show more content…
It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” Happiness is one of the best memories. Memories are meant to be had with people having good and bad experiences together not to never be able to feel any emotion people need emotion in their life. In their society they chose not to have memories, but they are all missing out on so much they didn’t trust their community to make good choices, but with emotions comes good and bad choices also the feeling of doing something wrong. I don’t think the community should hold something like memories from their community. “Of course they needed to care it was the meaning of everything”In our society, people get the chance to care about things and caring is important. In the giver they don’t even know what caring is like they should be able to care if a nurturer releases someone. “With memories the community won’t work their won’t be a perfect community anymore”.The community thinks it is a better idea if only one person has that knowledge so when they need advice on something they don’t know about they can ask the giver on what to

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