Sociological Sociology Of Marriage

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In Sociology, marriage is a legal social contract between two people, usually upon a sexual relationship and wanting to create a permanent union. Society recognizes marriage as a permanent legal contract and relationship between two people based upon mutual rights and obligations among each spouse. The ceremony must be sanctioned in order for it to be considered valid, in many cultures a religious authority must sanction it as well. Socially a marriage comes with many expectations, for example, producing children. Children born outside of marriage are branded with illegitimate stigma (Crossman, A. 2017; Little, W. 2014). Marriage occurs every day around the world. The purpose of this paper is to outline the types of marriage, their norms,…show more content…
Most ceremonies require a religious or civil sanction, and some are created just by living together for a certain amount of time. That is common law marriage. Civil or religious marriages are normally accompanied by a priest or someone with a marriage license. Another marriage would be a monogamist marriage, where someone is married to one person, and one person only. The norm for monogamy was mostly heterosexual marriages and relationships but homosexual marriages and relationships have become increasingly more relevant. Serial monogamy is when you get married, and then divorce, and get married again. Large divorce rates were apart of serial monogamy between partners. There are also arranged marriages, where someone in your family will choose a spouse for you. There is some courting before the ceremony but most communication is after the wedding. Being married protects children by permanent commitment and responsibility between partners (Anderson, 2013; Crossman,…show more content…
Since marriage is a social institution, legally, economically, and spiritually/religiously, the most common being religious marriages, civil marriages, and common law marriages. Married couples and common-law relationships have the same legal, paternal, and financial rights in Canada. Today, same-sex marriages have become increasingly more approved, especially after Canada provided availability to it in 2005. 16.5 percent of those same-sex relationships became married. The work between partners is normally divided by how hard the work is, or who prefers it the most, instead of women doing housework and men providing for the family. The several functions of marriage normally would include having children and creating a warm, healthy environment. Marriage helps regulate behaviors and creates kinship ties to the parents or other extended families. But it is less likely now for people to get married and have

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