Death Penalty In The Philippines Essay

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Death is a great equalizer. Everyone is the same on the face of death, but sadly, there are people who faced it without any chance to redeem themselves. “Death as a punishment given by a court of law for very serious crimes.” As it was stated from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, death is one of the acting punishment on serious crimes. Capital Punishment, or widely known as the death penalty. Ranging from the simple beheadings of the Roman Empire, and now humanity have developed many ways on how to end the life of another. Many have died because of death penalty, since the late 1800s until this present day. In the Philippines, capital punishment was also implemented in the late Marcos Administration, but it was later abolished in the time of the late President Cory Aquino. Furthermore, since the start of the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, the issue about death penalty became a hot topic in the senate and also on the masses. Several groups argued and pondered on the issue whether it should be implemented again or not. That being the case, it triggers our minds, is death penalty really the answer to lower the crime rate? What happened to the devoted Catholic faith of the Philippines? At these times, we have to take a specific stand to defend our right and voice out our opinion.…show more content…
Several cases of plunder were filed against these officials, yet they afford to bail and escape the consequence of the crimes they committed. It would be somehow tolerable if the government impose it with fairness and include of graft, extrajudicial killings, treason, corruption, and plunder on the list of death-punishable crimes on the bill. But by way of contrast, they remove these more heinous crimes to save themselves. Death penalty, non-inclusive of the crimes that are commonly committed by privileged people such as politicians, will only punish the

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