Leadership: The Three Strengths And Definitions Of Leadership

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Leadership is complicated, demanding There are three fundamental axioms about leadership to become more effective: 1. Leadership is situational – situational sensing – mixture of sensory and cognitive abilities; Effective leaders pick up important situational signals which requires very good judgment and situational awareness Authentic leaders have good, sometimes excellent, situation-sensing capabilities, they ask a lot of questions. It also develop with experience The leader will always be influenced by the situation; effective leaders use their personal leadership assets to reframe situations – to benefit of those they lead; they care about followers – this is the basis on which the relationship is founded Situation sensing involve: 1.…show more content…
Get honest feedback from other coworkers Explore biography, seek people similar to you, share opinions and knowledge “Knowing yourself, being yourself, and disclosing yourself are vital ingredients of effective…show more content…
A common problem, however, in many organisations is that the culture tends to overly homogenize people, often through overly standardized processes that demand uniform behaviours from employees. Authentic leaders communicate: vision, values, weaknesses and difference Be your authentic self as a leader Don’t become more effective leader by becoming someone’s else You can learn a lot things from the books on leadership, but not how to change yourself In the time of low trust in other people it’s very important Community – people want to belong to something Leaders can become community builders, what is a great opportunity for companies - People want to believe in the leader, they want to trust the leader; ludzie chcą się czuć tak, że lider interesuje się nimi samymi Followers can contact the leader anytime they want; he is always for them and ready to listen to them Followers want to have a leader who they are not afraid to reveal their own differences. Their real “self”. On that self they can build their

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