
Page 7 of 50 - About 500 essays
  • Trap-Ease Mousetrap Marketing Strategy

    805 Words  | 4 Pages

    Guided by the marketing strategy, the company designs an integrated marketing mix which consists of the four P’s that is product, price, place or distribution, and promotion. Firstly, product produces by the company. Currently, Trap-Ease has only manufactured one product that is the mousetrap, which is also known as the Trap-Ease mousetrap. This mousetrap is designed to allow customers to enjoy the means of dealing with mouse problem efficiently. Customers can be at ease by avoiding the safety and

  • Stakeholder Influence On Environmental Marketing

    1345 Words  | 6 Pages

    Environmental Marketing Environmental marketing has been in the public domain since the period of Rachel Carson’s critique “The Silent Spring” in 1963 and it has continued to heightened consumer awareness and concern over environmental matters till date around the world most especially in Europe and United states. Environmental marketing, which is also referred to as ‘green marketing’ (Charter, 1992; Ottman, 1993), ‘ecological marketing’ (Apaiwongse, 1994), ‘sustainable marketing (Van Dam and Apeldoorn

  • Negative Effects Of Child Marketing

    817 Words  | 4 Pages

    Our youth have been affected by child marketing for years, yet adults continue to let it pass by, without considering the effect it has. This utilization of the wonderful creation we call television needs to end. It has existed since the nineteenth century and big companies are still taking advantage of children, since they aren’t a very difficult target. After scrutinizing child marketing, it is obvious that it has a harmful effect on our children. With every passing year they are bombarded with

  • Palmetto Goodwill Marketing Mix

    674 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction This paper will describe the elements of marketing strategy for either a for-profit organization, that lets every customer knows about their target market, products or services, and how they can benefit from them, which includes selling the product in exchange for money or not-for-profit organization, that builds awareness of an issue and gain financial support from the public for its ability to serve their target market. This paper will also discuss the process that the organization

  • Jonny Barys Marketing Strategy

    617 Words  | 3 Pages

    variable of the 4 P’s marketing that may help the firm in make strategic decisions in order to smooth for running of the product. A product is anything that can be provided to market for attention acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need to the target market. As a business, before launching any new product the marketing mix strategy is a set of four decisions which need to be taken. Product decisions is the first decisions you have to take before others marketing plans. Product

  • Advantages Of Online Marketing

    1474 Words  | 6 Pages

    Analyze which online marketing tool suits your business promotions? As we all know internet has become one of the principal source to gather information for everyone around us. Day after day people are relying on gaining information from different web sources. Users prefer to do quick and fast online searches for anything they want, instead of using the books, hardcopies or turning the pages of directories and newspapers. If you are an online marketer or having online business procedures, you must

  • E-Marketing Literature Review

    945 Words  | 4 Pages

    2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Concept of “E-Marketplace” Electronic marketplace (e-marketplace) defined as an inter-organizational information system where sellers and buyers take part in some market to exchange information about product and price offerings (Standing et al., 2010). It acts as a trading platform where it does not involve in sell or buy goods, and service traded on the platform but support seller in establishing new business relationship through the trading platform. E-marketplaces

  • Tim Horton Marketing Strategy

    786 Words  | 4 Pages

    1st page of every newspaper. Magazine Magazine such as Canadian Business, flare, LOU LOU and other automobile magazines such as Wheels Canada and Canadian Auto world where we would print our advertisement in the last page. 2. Digital Marketing and Social Media Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter where we would post our advertisement and other websites such as Yahoo and MSN to display our product on their home page and Google search engine where we would like to post our new

  • Decision Making Process In B2b Marketing

    1080 Words  | 5 Pages

    environment may support the idea of industrial customers to be more rational than B2C consumers (Hague & Harrison, n.d.). The belief in B2B markets rationality has predominated in marketers’ minds for a comparatively long period of time. Most emphasis in marketing activities has been done on products or services functional characteristics without attention to personal values (Lynch & de Chernatony, 2004). B2B buyers were generally considered to be more

  • Essay On Apple's Marketing Strategy

    740 Words  | 3 Pages

    Which factors in the marketing strategy of Apple would improve future sales of the “Apple Watch”? Recently the popular firm Apple has developed a new product. Thanks to the technology development that everybody has recently witnessed Apple has been able to create a smaller, easier to manoeuver, more accessible, but sort of obsolete at the same time gadget; The Apple Watch. The technological developments that Apple has developed will, with no room for doubt meet the market expectations and needs