Toastmasters Analysis

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In early 19th century, the American humorist Will Rogers quoted those famous words: “There are two theories to arguing with a woman... Neither works.” Today … not much has changed. A few months ago, I was having a beer with two friends who are just as fanatical about Manchester United as myself. The previous night Manchester United had lost to Swansea. We were depressed. My first friend spoke, “Last night my wife and I had a big fight over the game and when it was over she locked me out of the bedroom.” My other friend said, “Last night my wife and I had a big fight and when it was over she locked me out of the house!” I looked at them and said, “Last night my wife and I had a big fight and when it was over she was pleading with me to come back”. My friends were astounded. “That’s incredible! What did she say?”…show more content…
Maybe men aren’t the problem. Maybe women just don’t know how to argue properly! Maybe all they need is a little direction. But how to give it? Then I had a mad idea. At Toastmasters, we evaluate each other all the time. The next time my wife got angry, I’d evaluate her. I was able to test my theory the following week. I’d gone out, lost track of time and came home very late. And I forgot to call. When I opened the door, she was waiting. “Have you lost your mind?” And she proceeded to tear into me for 10 minutes. I watched, I listened, I took notes. When she finished, she looked at me: “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” I took a deep breath and began: Honey that was a terrific performance. Great content and delivered with lots of emotion. I really enjoyed it. I’m going to tell you some things that I particularly liked and then I’ll point out some areas where I think you could improve. Your opening was terrific. You asked a provocative question: Have I lost my mind? It’s been said that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and I certainly don’t want to waste mine let alone lose it. I was intrigued and wanted to hear

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