Examples Of Rituals

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examples of rituals. There are two different types of rituals, sacred and secular. Sacred rituals are associated with religious events and beliefs. Some examples would be a funeral, a baptism or an ordination of a priest. Secular rituals are associated with rituls in everyday life and more social rituals that are not the religious areas. Some examples would be dressing up for Halloween or a divorce party. However some rituals can have an both sacred and secular elements in them such as christmas. You have the religious aspect of Jesus’s birth and going to mass and you have the commercial aspect of giving people presents. Another example would be that of a wedding. You have the mass where the marriage is done and then you have the reception where there’s dinner and enertainment. (Schechner & Brady, 2013) Rituals is understood from four different outlooks. Firstly you have structures, this is how…show more content…
There were many different rituals during the day that I observed and participated in. However all of these rituals were secular. The first one I noticed was everyone went to the bars and pubs before hand to have one drink before the game. Another was before the game the president of Ireland came out and shook all of the players hands and then the two teams shook hands. After the game then you had the main rituals of the game, the presenting of the trophey to the winning team and the captain’s speech. For this ritual, the captain goes to the centre of the stand and is handed the trophey by the president of the Gaelic Athletic Association, he then performs his speech to the crowd who have all gathered around him. This function of this ritual was to give the winning team their reward for their acheivment and for all the fans who supported them. The experience of this ritual is exhilerating. The emotion and pride in the captain’s speech shows how grateful he is for the achievement and the support of the fans and background

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