Culture In I Am Malala

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There are people in the Middle East from all types of religious backgrounds & beliefs. This diversity could affect people in either positive or negative ways. The Pakistani culture greatly impacted numerous aspects in Malala’s life in the book, I Am Malala. For example, in Pakistan all women are required to wear burquas in public. Malala was forced to obey this rule, despite her longing for all women to be treated equally. She saw them being hit by the Taliban for their disobedience of this particular regulation. Consequently, Malala felt sorry for these women because they were doing no harm to anyone & therefore, deserved no punishment. She, as well as other people nearby, were unwillingly watching the cruelty happen. In addition, the Pakistani women were hindered from their right to education. Malala believed that all…show more content…
This affected Malala’s life because she didn’t have a quiet place to study; their house was very small. As a result, Malala’s father built a school for all the poor children, boys & girls, to receive education. Misinterpretations of the Quran played a major role in Malala’s life. Fazlullah, a person who broadcasted his own interpretations of the Quran over the radio, separated the people of the Swat Valley. He banned all televisions, CDs & DVDs, forced all women to stay in their homes & whipped whoever disobeyed the regulations. Malala & her family had to keep their televisions, CDs, & DVDs hidden. This man was spoken against by Malala’s father, which in turn helped Malala gain courage to use public speaking as a platform to promote girls’ education. Culture played a significant role in Malala’s live in a multitude of ways. It impacted her physically, spiritually, & emotionally. Some cultural aspects affected her in major or minor ways. However, they all made her the inspirational person she is

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