Examples Of Citation Analysis

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Abstract: This paper presents a brief overview on purpose, importance & type of citation analysis and tools. The citations features of three popular citation analysis tools i.e. Scopus, Google Scholar andWeb of Science are discussed in detail.Ranking of information is a key aspects of information management in academic and research institutions. By examining changing needs and products, and to encourage the user, Library and Information professionals to understand and manage these resources and respond to the user needs. Keywords: Citation analysis, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus,CiteSeerx. 1. Introduction Citation analysis has turned into a capable instrument to impartially assess an examination of periodicals; decide the utilization…show more content…
The Citation analysis is utilized to examine the citation connects between logical papers, specialized notes and audits. It likewise gives pertinent measures of utility and connections of diaries whose essential capacity is to convey inquire about outcomes. These aides in ID of key reports and production of center arrangements of diaries. It is only bunching of archives as per regular references and citations. Citation analysis gives investigation of the traits of writing including development rate obsolesce, citation…show more content…
 Article or Chapter in a book: This type of citation it is usually found that author and year of publication followed by title of the book and place of publication.  Internet Source Citation: The citation of the internet sources varies in many cases like websites and databases. But it is one commonly found is author followed by title of webpage and title of complete work followed by website address followed by date of access. 5. Citation Analysis Tools There are several tools available for citation analysis, some are subscription-based and others are free. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses and none of them covers the entire universe of scholarly publications. Therefore, it is important to use more than one tool to get a fuller picture of the scholarly impact of an author or a journal. Few popular citation analysis tools are as

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