Meta Analysis In Nursing

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Meta-analysis is an epidemiological, recognized, quantifiable study design that helps in systematical evaluation of earlier research studies to originate conclusions indicative of body of research. Conclusions drawn from meta-analysis may consist of a more detailed and accurate assessment of the consequences of various treatments, different risk factors for any particular or specific disease, or other outcomes, than individual research contributing to joint analysis. One of the critical outcome of meta-analysis study result is its heterogeneity or variability examination. Meta-analysis usefulness includes an associated and measureable review of a large and complex literature body that can be sometimes conflicting. The requirements of hypothesis…show more content…
Collectively, In many cases the results of these various small researches related to same issue are inconsistent and different that results in creating difficulties in clinical decision-making. The requirement to reach at decisions disturbing clinical practices nurtured the drive towards “evidence-based medicine”( Guyatt, Gordon H., et al. 2000; Sackett, David L., et al. 1996) that can be well-defined as a systematic and quantifiable, specifically experimental approach in using and attain medical information. For that reason, meta-analysis is considered as an arithmetical process resulting in integrated results of numerous independent researches and thus plays a fundamental role in evidence-based medicine. In fact, under various evidences pyramid (Figure 1), in which clinical data is placed according to the strength of the freedom from several preferences overwhelmed medical research, meta-analyses is positioned at the top. Whereas, case reports, case series, laboratory studies or animal research exhibits less clinical value in terms of proof, are placed at the bottom…show more content…
Conclusions drawn from meta-analysis may consist of a more detailed and accurate assessment of the consequences of various treatments, different risk factors for any particular or specific disease, or other outcomes, than individual research contributing to joint analysis. Observing heterogeneity of study groups and specifying the responses may leads to additionally effective treatment or amendments in management. Indeed it’s the most essential task in meta-analysis. The Cochrane collaboration is known to be the long-lasting, most demanding and a pioneer in emerging methods in this field (Higgins JPT, Green S, 2009). The most important contributions consist of protocol development, providing structure not only for literature search methods but also for newly and comprehensive diagnostic and analytic approaches for assessing the productivity of meta-analyses. Furthermore, PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses) is another useful guide in improve meta-analyses and systematic reviews reports and it’s the PRISMA statement that replaces the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting of Meta-analyses) statement (Moher D, et al. 2009; Liberati A, 2009; Moher, David, et al.

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