The Pros And Cons Of Work-Related Stress

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In 2010 the American Psychological Association reported that money and work are the leading causes of stress for seventy-five percent of Americans, and that these rates were gradually rising since their findings in 2008 and 2009. The World Health Organization has recognized that workplace factors that negatively affect one's mental health includes: limited decision-making, inflexible working hours, inadequate health and safety policies, and poor management practices. Without any concrete action to halt the rising progression of work-related stress, millions of employed Americans remain trapped in in a hierarchy that treats them as drudges. Although work is gauged as an absolute desideratum, the growing amount of work-related stress is baleful towards our mental health, and this dilemma is preserved by a lack of reform, therefore causing a cycle of illness for those harboring acute work-related stress, and thus in order to hinder this growing problem, the eradication of Right to Work laws is necessary in order to halt the attrition of collective bargaining that empowers workers to escape factors that increase work-related stress. Universal health care coverage can assist individuals by eliminating the concern of medical treatment so workers can afford the care they need in order to properly function not only as a independent persons…show more content…
If ones job is the root of distress within their life, then allowing for a fairer effort-reward balance through collective bargaining can erode the rising rates of mental distress surrounding their careers, as collective bargaining empowers workers to receive more compensation for their labor and hold more dominance over their jobs themselves, which directly combats the factors that trigger work-related
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