Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dam Dam

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In this method it starts with a small starter dam and progressively the dam wall is raised on the upstream side. The tailing is discharged from the top of the one end and when the pond is nearly filled the height of the dam is raised and this cycle is repeated. To increase the dam heights various process are used by taking material from the dried surface of the dam or the coarser fraction of the tailings separated out by tailing cyclone. Advantage of using this process is low operating cost and the construction of dam is cheap and the speed of subsequent raising of dam height is quick. This method is the the lowest initial cost and most popular design for a raised tailings embankment in area of low risk seismic . The major reasons for this is mainly due to the minimal amount of fill material required for initial construction and subsequent raising which normally consists of the coarse fraction of the tailings. The construction of an upstream slime pond starts with a pervious (free draining) starter dyke foundation. The tailings are usually discharged from the top of the dam crest creating a…show more content…
Their main advantage is that the downstream design can have unrestricted heights due to each raise being structurally independent of the tailings. The main disadvantage is the cost of raising the embankment as large volumes of fill are required which increases exponentially as embankment height increases, and subsequently a large area around the dam itself is required as the toe of the dam moves out as more raises are added. This can cause problems where limited space has been taken into consideration prior to building, or if property line and utilities are in close proximity. Although a downstream embankment can theoretically have no height limit, the dam’s ultimate height is determined by the restriction of the advancing toe (Vick

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