Ottoman Empire Lessons

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What Lessons can be drawn from the Ottoman Empire with regards to the state of the Modern Middle East In the early twentieth century most of the Middle East was mostly dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was characterized as a multinational empire, an imperial power, mostly located around the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and whose existence covered the period between 1299 and 1922. For more than four hundred years the Ottoman Empire exercised his control over a vast territory, from the Balkan Peninsula in Europe to the Arab lands of South West Asia and North Africa. Only Iran, the central part of the Arabian Peninsula and Morocco were not part of this region. In the rest of the region, the presence of the Ottoman Empire…show more content…
As a result of these clashes, it comes to the loss of important Ottoman territories in Europe. As I already mentioned, during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century a major transformation took placed. The Ottoman Empire was born during the middle Ages, reaching its greatest achievement in 1453 when they took the city of Constantinople under the command of Mehmet II, ending the Byzantine Empire. Ottoman expansion continued after the fall of Constantinople. It reached its climax with Suleiman I (1520-1566). The Turks controlled Asia Minor, the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt and North Africa and Southeast Europe, even to besiege Vienna. It was a great power in the modern age, but from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Ottoman Empire breaks its expansion, gaining power in central Europe, the Austrian Empire, conquering the Kingdom of Hungary. Throughout the eighteenth century, the Ottoman Empire continued with various problems, both internal, and external because of tensions with Austria, Russia and Persia. (Encyclopedia of Middle…show more content…
As a result, new countries and new powers that will influence the course of the history of the twentieth century emerged. The Modern Middle East was part of one of the great empires of the modern era and arises from the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire with its power has played a decisive role in the history of Europe. Some biographer said that the Ottomans were responsible for the European unity. For the Ottomans, cohabitation in Europe and with Europe, whether Christian, capitalist or imperialist, was very important and decisive. The Modern Middle East was created in the late nineteenth century from a Eurocentric perspective, the Middle East is a term used today to describe a vast territory stretching from Morocco to Iran, is both homogenous and multiethnic. A strategic region for the presence of oil, troubled by many factors crisis whose volume has come political history from Napoleon's expedition to Egypt and the encounter with modernity, to reform the Ottoman Empire and the fall of the Caliphate, the decolonization, the 1967 Sinai war, the Iranian revolution, the presence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Palestinian Intifada, the end of Saddam Hussein and the current conflict in Iraq or the US in recent revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya. (Global
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