Pros And Cons Of Performance Appraisal

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Course: Organizations and Human Resource Management - MBAN-609DE Student ID: Evangelia Gklezakou - U152N0282 Tutor: Prof. Maria Michailidis “Discuss the pros and cons of at least three performance appraisal tools” Semester: Fall 25/12/2016 Table of Contents 1. ALTERNATION RANKING METHOD 3 2. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO) 4 3. BEHAVIORALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALES (BARS) 5 4. CRITICAL INCIDENTS 6 1. ALTERNATION RANKING METHOD The Alternation Ranking Method ranks employees from best to worst on a specific trait, choosing highest, then lowest, until all are ranked. So the ranking of an employee within a department is done against the rest employees of the department. The numerical rank of each employee is his/her relative positions. PROS: •…show more content…
PROS: • It is easy, quick and low cost for a company to evaluate its employees • Employees are ranked according to their performance on specific traits relevant to their duties • It is quite easy to highlight the best and the worst employee of the department so to give incentives or compensate the extra effort CONS: • This method focus only on the compassion among the employees and not on their actual performance, so it is not helpful if for example all employees are well performed (still someone is the worst) • It is difficult to rank employees if the company has hundreds of them • This system does not eliminate the possibility of snap

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