The Importance Of Tourism And Leisure Advertising

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1.1.6 Tourism and leisure advertising Todays, tourism has become a multinational business of global importance. This of course is due to today‟s Worldwide Web, a new era in social interaction and culture solely built around this medium, triggered in [Moradkhani, 2014]. Tourism is one of the most profitable and lucrative industries, which create a bastion of economical (fiscal growth), private business, and human resources available to any country‟s economy, not mention the worldwide popularity of the country involved in this advertising. There are various ways to increase the market in the tourism industry. The use of a brand name in getting the public‟s attention works well or method of regional cooperation in tourism [Rong Mu, 2013], however, the use of advertising as the primary means of success requires a carefully analysis of the tools in the fields of scientific, social and economic behavior. Advertising is defined as the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services [Moradkhani, 2014]. The tourism industry must use advertising as the primary tool for its professional gain. The successful promotion of tourism in each country is based on cultural values, and the professionals understanding of advertising and its values.Each country's tourism industry can generally…show more content…
Consumer advertising is directed at the public, whereas trade advertising is directed at distributors who resell to the public. Consumer advertising can be further divided into ‘national advertising’ and ‘local advertising’. National advertising is aimed at consumers throughout the entire country. National advertising usually attempts to create awareness among the public of a product or service, or it tries to build loyalty to a product or service. Local advertising is aimed at informing people in a particular area where they can purchase a product or

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