The Importance Of Engineering

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Engineering came from the Latin word “ingenium” that means cleverness and “ingeniare” means to manufacture. Generally, engineering is meant for problem solving. In order to solve the problems in a better way engineers usually use the scientific and the technical knowledge as well to come up with a final and appropriate solution. The innovative application of the scientific principles to design, manufacture or construct new devices or machines which in actual sense solve the problems that human life is facing in the day to day life. They also use their imaginations to improve the principles that are scientifically stated. So from this it is quite evident that engineering is not a science instead engineers use science to develop the technology.…show more content…
As professor Morris Jones stated in the class engineer which literally means one who controls an engine which is originally referred to a constructor of military engines. To get the actual sense of engineering, it is better to understand the types of engineering, which are named on the profession of the engineers that is the work they do. Chemical engineering, the application of chemistry, and engineering principles in order to perform chemical processes on a salable scale. Civil engineering, the proposal of constructing any of the public and private works. Electrical engineering , the design and study of various electrical and electronic devices, Mechanical engineering , the design of physical or mechanical systems. Engineers use science, mathematics and logic to solve problems. These mathematical models allow engineers to analyze and to test potential solutions. Engineers are responsible for the devices they have designed. Designing a device may include stating a problem, understanding the concepts through research, finding the solution and finally verifying. Engineers must differentiate between their choices depending on their pros and…show more content…
It is used in observing and noting the measurements and also predicting. It is also termed as a formal science, which has both resemblances and differences with the empirical sciences. Similar in a way that it involves an objective and systematic study in particular area and it contrasts in the method of verifying. using a priori rather than empirical methods. Scientific fields are also divided into many groups among which natural sciences, which study the natural occurrences, and social sciences, which study human behavior and societies are the important groups. Scientists are meant to make observations and then experiments and try to simulate under many controlled conditions. However, in more modern terms, science is a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific process in order to organize a body of knowledge gained through research. Science remains a continuing effort on the part of the human being to discover and increase knowledge through
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