Self-Efficacy In The Workplace

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Despite all the challenges and difficulties, anything is possible if an individual believes in his/her capabilities based on Albert Bandura’s famous quotes, “In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacle and inequities of life”. All individuals encounter difficult challenges in their life and sometimes they fail to overcome it and feel like they can no longer get back on their feet but he/she should never give up. Always look on to the brighter side and always recognize your mistakes as lesson rather than a failure in life. All individuals were different from each other. There are individuals who were blessed to have normal life, there were also individuals…show more content…
In the workplace, employees have different levels of self-efficacy. Individuals with high self-efficacy usually set challenging goals for themselves and strive to achieve these by making and maintaining effort (Bandura et al., 2001 cited in Hamil, 2003), For instance, employees who have high self-efficacy, did and performed their job with full effort which results to better performance while those employees who have low self-efficacy, who do not have self confidence, afraid to commit mistakes and judged by other employees that the work results to insufficient effort. There were also employees who have disabilities and according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the United States of America, there is an ADA or known as Americans With Disabilities (Sandler, 2001). Sometimes these employees are the one who experienced discrimination in the workplace. There were enough evidences about the employers in private and public sectors discriminating persons with disabilities(Harvey 2001, cited in Yusof, et al,…show more content…
Researchers determined how self-efficacy correlates to resilience in accordance with employees with disabilities. Researchers used resilience and self-efficacy as two dependent variables by use of the Self-efficacy Scale and Resilience Scale. The General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE) was created to assess the perceived self-efficacy of an individual. On the other hand, Resilience Scale (RS) was used to identify the degree of individual resilience, considered a positive personality characteristic that enhances individual adaptation (Wagnild & Young,

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