Teacher Related Literature

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Related Literature In this part, the review of related literature is discussed for an organized justification and analysis of the information. Teacher’s Job Performance. Teacher plays a vital role in the society, classroom and character building of the children. (Malik Et Al, 2011) A teacher becomes a good teacher when he is sincere to his profession and fulfills his duties with great enthusiasm and shoulders all his duties and responsibilities with full commitment. The classroom teacher is responsible for maintaining a positive and effective learning environment through well-prepared and diverse lesson, which cater to the range of student abilities and interest. Setting of realistic and challenging academic standards of student’s performance.…show more content…
(2010).One important lesson from these efforts is the repeated result that teachers are the fulcrum determining whether any school initiative tips toward achievement or failure. Every aspect of school reform depends on highly skilled teachers for its success. This is especially true as educational standards rise and the diversity of the student body increases. Teachers need even more sophisticated abilities to teach more complex curriculum to the growing number of public school students who have fewer educational resources at home, those who are new English language learners, and those who have distinctive learning…show more content…
Koontz, O’Donnel&Weihrich (1980), Owuamanam (1991) and Ibukun (1997) agreed that what is a source of inspiration or motivation to one person may fail to influence the behavior of others. Individuals differ in the value they attach to encouragement. This means that what motivates a worker to work hard may not even motivate another worker at all. Koontz et al (1980) described motivators as those things which encourage an individual to perform. In the same attitude, Ibukun (1979) asserted that it is obvious that man has several sources of motivation. What satisfied one individual and motivates him may not act as a source of drive for another individual. He added that sources of motivation increase in value and complexity depending on the age and social status of the individual. Martin and Harsh (2005) opined that academic motivation and engagement are the same for male and female instructors. They declared further that, academic motivation and engagement does not significantly vary as a function of teachers’ gender and in terms of academic motivation. That is, male teachers do not fare any better than female teachers. On the contrary, The International Rescue Committee (2009) opined that gender is a factor in determining teachers’ roles, responsibilities as status in families and communities. Gender impacts teachers’ perception
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