Racism About Racism

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The United States of America: a land where, according to Thomas Jefferson, all men are created equal. That ideal has been repeated countless times in the nations history either as praise, or as an effort to ensure its truth; however, to this day, the people of the United states are not equal. The country’s past is permeated with injustice and tragedy. Whether the forced exile of native americans, the enslavement of an entire race, or the mass internment of Japanese during World War II, the U.S.’s history exemplifies the fact that it is far perfect. Racism has recently re-entered forefront of society’s collective agenda, and despite the passing of 55 years from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream speech,” it is far from a resolution.…show more content…
People further their belief in a racial hierarchy, though some are oblivious to the occurrence, by means of misinformation. Although a problem inherent, it is even more troubling due to the belief by all levels of the hierarchy. People who are subject to racism often suffer from internalized racism. This condition possess a twofold effect; people come to believe that what is said about them is true, harming individuals, and through the re-enactment of the abuse on their own social group, the community is harmed. Were the racial hierarchy cessated, then people would not learn to be racist and true equality could…show more content…
The wealthy posses far more wealth than everyone else, and there are still those who claim that everyone has an equal opportunity, and that those who are willing, will carpe diem everyday and succeed. In select cases so called rags to riches events do happen, but they are an anomaly. Perhaps everyone has the ability to succeed, to any given degree, but the status of the family which raises gives the wealthy excessive advantages. (stuffs and things use character comparisons// trump 6 mill loan). The contrarian view would suggest that those people who do not do what is most beneficial for their children, often at the expense of other necessities, are the reason that the children do not have the equal start. Perhaps that fact on its own is true; were more sacrificed in favor of education or character development, then lower class children would be better off. The fact neglects that humans have a hierarchy of needs which must be met prior to advancing to the next: Physiological needs like food and water must be met before safety, safety must be met before the need to belong, and so on. People in lower classes can not, rather than will not, focus on the extra development of their children. In order to consider supplemental education, people need a secure home and a source of heat, water, and food. Lower classes are therefore disadvantaged because time must spent focusing those
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