Online Consumer Behavior Framework

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A framework that compares online consumer decision with offline decision making was developed by Laudon and Traver (2009), who suggest that a general consumer behavior framework requires some modification to take into account new factors. When consumers want to buy product, they will look at the brand and the characteristics of product or service. Some products can be purchased and shipped easily online such as, software, books. On the other hand, some products are hard to decide through online channel. Web site features, firm capabilities, marketing communication stimuli, and consumer skills are also important, in terms of the proposed framework (Laudon and Traver, 2009). When consumers want to buy product, they will look at the brand and…show more content…
On the other hand, some products are hard to decide through online channel. Web Site feature is one of the important things that can influence consumers to buy product online. For example, online retailers can use high technology to improve their websites in order to influence consumer perceptions of the web environment (Prasad and Aryasri, 2009). If the web site is too slow, not navigability, or not safe enough, will have negatively impact consumer willingness to try or buy products from the website. Consumer experience with online shopping (Broekhuizen and Huizingh, 2009) or consumer skills, which refer to the knowledge that consumers have about product, and how online shopping works (Laudon and Traver, 2009) also influences online shopping behaviors. Clickstream behavior is another aspect that becomes more important in the online world. It refers to the behavior that consumers search for information through web sites many sites in the same time, then to a single site, then to a…show more content…
Consumers can find all kinds of products which might be available only online from all over the world. Most companies have their own websites to offer products or services online, no matter whether they already have their front store or not. . Many traditional retailers sells certain products only available online to reduce their retailing costs or to offer customers with more choices of sizes, colors, or features. Boccia Titanium, for instance, has stores in many states but not in Connecticut. The company offers website to reach and to fulfill the need of Connecticut customers to order online. . Similarly, Yves Rocher, a French company, does not have the front store in the U.S. It offers the website so that U.S. customers can just add products they want into the online shopping cart and the product will be shipped to their house. Moreover, online shopping sometimes offer good payment plans (Amin, 2009) and options for customers. Customers can decide their payment date and amount (Anonymous, 2009) in their own preference and
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